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S.F. Bowser (gas pump co.) drill press

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Gas Pumps125 of 354An Iconic Visible Gas Pumpnow i have somewhere to house my collection.
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (766 items)

    I recently acquired this early and small drill press that was used in the factory making gas pumps in Fort Wayne Indiana,which is where I found this little gem!This will be a strange little addition to my petroliana collection,and actual tool that made my 1914 Bowser RED SENTRY???????LOL
    Thanks for looking and enjoy!


    1. Windwalker, 9 years ago
      cool find ..never seen one like it in my life time
    2. Caperkid, 9 years ago
      Ooh wow Gargoylecollector neat item i,as well have not seen one of these.
    3. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      What a cool addition to the collection:) Display it right next to the pump!
    4. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 9 years ago
      Thanks WW,Caper,and Trey!(I plan to Trey!)
    5. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 9 years ago
      Thanks mani and sean

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