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Hello Sailor! C.Plath, Hamburg, Germany small ships compass, resting on a Gimbal within a Maghony box

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (404 items)

    Hello Sailor! C.Plath, Hamburg, Germany small ships compass, resting on a Gimbal within a Maghony box or similar hard wood.

    C. Plath

    Carl Christian Plath, to whom David Filby sold his highly reputable business in 1862, was born on Christmas Day in 1825. His father was the pastor of the Michaeliskirche in Hamburg "New Town", a church known to seamen all over the world as the "Hamburger Michel". On leaving school he began an apprenticeship as an instrument maker in Hamburg. After completion his apprenticeship, Carl Plath, following the custom of the time, went on his travels to Berlin, Vienna, Prague and Munich before he set up a workshop for the production of surveying instruments in 1857.

    I was pleased to buy this, it was something different in a boot sale. I didn't know who the maker was or what the history of it. Its a shame really not knowing who used it, small item in a great box.

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    1. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      That's so nice.
      Good background too Caper.

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