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Large 36 inch Cuckoo Clock hunter style

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Cuckoo Clocks29 of 110Cuckoo Clock very large (36")Tell me about this clock
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi, I just purchased this Cuckoo Clock at a flea market for $50
    The clock is missing it's pendulum and weights and not sure if there is a deer head missing on the top trim piece also not sure if this is it 8 day or one day I think this is probably an eight day Cuckoo Clock I haven't seen too many like this it's unusually large at 36" and I guess we'll have to hang it at least 6 to 7 feet from the floor so 10 ceiling.

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    1. shawnicus shawnicus, 9 years ago
      beautiful piece hope its an 8 day but my smaller musical one is a single day and pain in the behind to pull the chain every day,..heres a site that might be good for parts weights and pendulums,..
    2. shawnicus shawnicus, 9 years ago
      OK poking round that site it looks like an 8 day movement, probably worth hunting down a clock shop round,..might have some weights laying round cause they never break ,..and clocks do,..the site above does have a lot of deerheads for sale in many sizes no idea what ones rite for it , to see it all together when you get it that way,..please update when you do heheh
    3. Tangoes Tangoes, 9 years ago
      Re Shawnicus thanks for the info,I added new pic of the cuckoo 36" in a new posting
      I took some 8 day clock weights and Pendulum of of another cuckoo clock that I
      Had and the cclock is now running

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