Posted 9 years ago
(559 items)
Although quite imposing this vase has a calmness to it, and to me could never be mistaken for anything but Japanese made.
Blown in a very traditional flask shape it has been placed on a pedestal base.
The two blues have been freely mixed in the white glass and gold leaf has been laid after blowing. The whole vase has been sand blasted to finish.
I can imagine the glass maker giving this a name like "Slow Water" or "the Quiet Stream" - it has a very relaxing aura.
Like much Japanese glass the maker did not sign this piece and it unfortunately came without it's box so I have no identification for it.
It looks in style similar to some work by Jun Fujita, son of master glass artist Kyohei Fujita, but I am not sure of that attribution.
Height 30cm
Thanks Ken, I think it beautiful too. Always appreciate your comments :)
Oh Karen .... what can I say? The beauty! All the elements just add up to a perfect whole, don't they?
I think you might have to "get" Japanese style to think of it that way Katherine, and I'm glad you do :)
Oh am so grateful to have gained that appreciation from you, Karen. I will never be on a par with your expertise and knowledge, but this world of Japanese glass that you've opened up to me is beyond expression.
Thanks for your constant support and appreciation Katherine. It all helps when you swim alone in a collecting pool.
Your description put me into a calmness I can't do. Got lots of loves to take care of here. Going for the toothpicks to hold my eyes open.
Lovely vase!!
May peace be in your chi.
May the thanks of calm deities be upon you.....tomorrow after sleep is fine!!