Posted 9 years ago
(183 items)
OLD Oversized Barbie Doll - No Markings.
17 1/2" tall vinyl/plastic doll with eye lids that open and shut.
Doll needs a bath, but I'm not gonna try it.
I was able to sell her for $3, so I hope she gets restored!
look at her back for markings . She looks like a Sweet Sue doll but at diffeent angle she resembles another doll . What is on her back and a better better face angle would me straight on. Be careful of these hard plastic dolls they often get a decomposing odor and it is dreadful and you can't get rid of it . I have thrown a few away sad but nothing works on them I have heard some people go through extremes to coat all parts but odor will return.
Yes some of the dolls have brought a strange odor into my house. So far knock on wood none have been so rancid that I want to move away.
Thank you for the feedback!
My grandkids are in town through the weekend, but as soon as they leave on Sun I'll pull the dolls back out and see if I can get a better shot!
Just looked at her and there are no markings at all on her, but her body does look it has mildew on it – is this cleanable or should I just throw her in the trash?