Posted 9 years ago
(3465 items)
I forgot to mention this is set 13032 in part 1. These are some closer up photos of all the goodies in this set.
Starting off with the instruction manual. Gilbert advised reading the manual before trying to create life from unliving tissue.
In photo 2 is the set of test tubes and material to examine under the microscope. The fly is still in the test tube where it has been for almost 60 years.
Photos 3 and four show a few more of the accessories that came with this set. There are also some glass slides not shown.
With all the fun stuff that came with this set I am going to look for some of the chemistry sets and perhaps some different versions of the microscope sets.
Fantastic set to have. They would never sell such a good set these days.
I was thinking that too Phil. Like the aluminium test tube holder and the labels and instruments.
So good.
My dad got me a chemistry set like this when I was about 10,....... but I was more interested in knives. [;>)
Thank you very much Phil. You are sure right about that.
Thank you very much racer4four. The test tubes will make a good laboratory display for Halloween.
Thank you very much NevadaBlades. I did like to make explosions, luckily I usually failed.
talk about sexist, which my family never were, mum did Law in the late 30's. Anyhow, my brother had a very similar microscope and matching chemistry set :)
Fantasic. brings back so many memories :)'Thank you..
Thank you very much Anne. Gilbert always had two boys on their sets so perhaps a bit sexist. Skilcraft sets would always show a girl and boy.
Thank you
Thank you pops52.
Thank you