Posted 9 years ago
(385 items)
Got this today from a buddy who found 15 of these in a barn. They were found in Lake Butler Fl the town I grew up in. I need to put a billboard up I guess in Lake Butler with my phone number and big words that say I BUY OLD SIGNS!!! LOL
How awesome!!
Thanks for the love and nice comment jscott0363:) good to hear from you!!
Thanks for the love and nice comment Brunswick:) Just chasing 3 kids around and a dog and a cat LOL !! I been real busy and a lot of stuff to post still:) always good to hear from you Thomas!!
Great reference Thomas:) Love that movie!!
LOL - everytime I seethe Lone Ranger, I think of my dad saying "The Looooone Strangerrrrrrr"!
Hey, now, that's not a bad idea,....... but maybe safer with your email address instead of your phone number!??! Great sign. [;>)
Thanks for the love Efesgirl.
Thanks for the love and nice comment NevadaBlades:) I think that's a great idea!! Phones are probably the best communication for Lake Butler though LOL!!
Celiene LOL !!!!! I have three small kids and they know to yell out Stranger Danger!!!!
Thanks for the love Caperkid.
Thanks for the love officialfuel.
I have to watch it now:) I wonder if I have it on DVD ?
Lake Butler, that's an interesting name for a town in Florida. Country Club? :)
Great find Trey ! love the slogan
Thanks for the love pops52.
Thanks for the love bb2.
Thanks for the love fortapache.
Thanks for the love DaveSierra.
Thanks for the love nutsabotas6.
Thanks for the love iggy.
Thanks for the love bobby725.
Thanks for the love and comment katherinescollections:) far from it, the town is very small and you either work at the prison or the sawmill. My mother was the English teacher at the High School from 1983- 2013 when she retired, and they were the lowest paid school district in Florida.The prison in Raiford fl is famous for executing Ted Bundy and Daryl Strawberry served time there too, Dennis the Menace lives in Lake Butler:)
Thanks for the love Rattletrap.
I found it on YouTube Thomas :) good music.
Thanks for the love and kind words Manikin:)
Thanks for the love and kind words Nicefice:)
Thanks for the love EJW-54.
Thanks for the love Ted_Straub.
Thanks for the love kyratango.
Thanks for the love mikelv85.
Thanks for the love vintagelamp.
Thanks for the love PhilDMorris.
Thanks for the love gargoylecollector.
Thanks for hitting the love button again Manikin.
Thanks for hitting the love button ttomtucker.