Posted 9 years ago
(278 items)
Necklace and bracelet AB set that once belonged to my mum. It is probably from Jablonec (Gablonz), Czechoslovakia.
My mum says she received it as a gift in 1970s and gave it to me some years ago. We played princesses with it when we were children, of course :DDD To this day aureola borealis stones look magical in my eyes :DDD Luckily we did not damage it.
The colours are so beautiful.
You are right lentilka its magical.
Thank you aura!
I have a similar ring (not part of this set ), and as a kid I believed it could make wishes true. I still have that ring, sadly I realised with time it holds no special powers :DDD
It is lovely and a special piece from your Mum.....
Gorgeous AB AND it was your Mum's. Priceless.
Thank you! Glad you like it!!