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Iwatsu Art Glass vase - how Japanese can it be?

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (559 items)

    I know I am totally immersed in Japanese glass but when I see other's mistaking it for glass from elsewhere I often wonder how they can't tell!!
    Look at this vase for example - could it have come from Italy? Germany? Czechoslavakia? Not likely.

    Shape? The flask like bottom, the long flaring neck and the frills are not unusual shapes in the glass world, but I think only the Japanese would have put them all together in one vase.

    What else? Hmm.
    The colours - not necessarily unusual but certainly sparkling up the blue stripes on the mauve is quite Asian, as is internal white casing.

    Finish? yes! Japanese glass is very often clear cased. They always give their pontil base a beautiful polish, just as they invariably flame finish a rim.

    Size? Giveaway!! Big is best and this is tall at 30cm. Vintage Japanese glass rarely was petite. It was made to be a statement piece in an otherwise stark room.

    This vase is not like any other in my collection but the points above can be applied to most of my glass.
    True, there are times I can't be totally certain of origin, but most times Japanese made glass can be very identifiable.

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    1. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Love the colour Karen and your write up!!!!
    2. NevadaBlades, 9 years ago
      And when all else fails, look for the MADE IN JAPAN sticker!!!
      I'm with Tassie. Thanks, Karen, for the great, informative write-up. [;>)
    3. Ivonne Ivonne, 9 years ago
      Pretty as usually but what I can see there ?Inclusions ,small bubbles or anything else?It gives nice finish
    4. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      I have absolutely no knowledge of glass, but I do recognize beauty when I see it and this is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!
    5. Rick55 Rick55, 9 years ago
      Beautiful color Karen... And when I blew up the picture, I was treated to those delicious little flecks of silver! Also, thanks for the education of Japanese glass... you really know your stuff!
    6. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Many thanks for the love everyone.

      Thanks Judy
      Kiyoshi the best stuff is MIJ (hey!)
      Ivonne - that is a metallic spatter, possibly mica
      Scott - good taste as always
      Rick - great to hear from you! I try......:)
    7. OneGoodFind OneGoodFind, 9 years ago
      You just didn't wonder long enough. Remember me??? I still can't tell but the vase is beautiful. ;)
    8. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Where ya been? Thanks for the beauty appreciation!
    9. IronLace IronLace, 3 years ago
      Loving the purple/blue combo on this one Karen, it's so elegant...
    10. racer4four racer4four, 3 years ago
      Deep in the archives there Marin!
      That's so good because I haven't even seen this vase for a while it's buried deep in a box.
      I do like this vase and I'm glad you have picked up on it's attractions too. Ta!

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