Posted 9 years ago
(177 items)
This snuff bottle features the cutest kittens ever! One with a bee and the other with a bug - in each scene the insect has the kittens full attention.
The painting is so well done you can almost feel how soft the kittens fur is!
Cat (t:?; s:? - m?o) - disperses evil spirits (due to eye sight, also at night)
The bottle also has lovely carved sides and a jade top.
What a joy it has to be to collect these little painting masterpieces you can hold in your hand--So wonderful!
It is PostCardCollector! I got extremely lucky to find some really good quality ones for a reasonable price - and now I'm hooked!
A thing of beauty--A joy forever! You are sooo fortunate!!
I have loved every one of your snuff bottles.
Not only is the painting amazing it is also exceptionally beautiful. I can imagine you picking one of them up from time to time and spending time just looking and looking. Thanks for the posts.
Thanks racer4four! Yes I do!