Posted 14 years ago
(760 items)
A pair of vases by AD Copier that I found at a church fete here in Sydney about ten years ago. In Dutch the colour is "paar" and they are a design callled KO 647. They date from 1923. Beside them is a later vase: a KN 1705. It is a large champagne coloured vase from 1936. The larger vase was one of my first objects bought on an internet auction site. It came from the US.
Beside them is the design by Copier from the National Glass Museum in Leerdam. Perhaps in this illustration you can see the beginnings of an idea that Copier completed in the larger piece years later. The design of the smaller vase seems trapped within the larger one.
The small ones are ultra light. The larger one weighs half a ton!
This year marks the 110th year of the birth of AD Copier. It is being celebrated at the National Glass Museum as "Een 'ode aan Copier'".
I really enjoy the Lucienne Bloch animals too, Alfredo!
I own a piece of his Unica art glass a milky white a clear oval vase with side glass which could represent handles. Signed, AD Copier. It's Gorgeous! Robin
Hi robin. Lucky you! I'd love to see it.
Thanks ozmart, mark, Alfredo and scandinavian_pieces!
like these purple ( paars )vases great to see some copier outside the netherlands
Many thanks vlkma238412!
A belated thanks to inky!
Many thanks Marc112!
Many thanks mustangTony!
Many thanks bazelmania!
Them's the breaks! Refined down to 'line'. Bloch did it too!
She certainly has soul!
Many thanks miKKo!
Many thanks Seanand to you too, AmberRose!
I love your photography!
Hi slave to the G.. Many thanks for your kind comments.
I never ever met somebody with such a big and great glass collection! This is heaven!
Many thanks Heinjan. I think your Meydam collection is wonderful. The pottery is still a sleeper internationally. Cutlery too, I think?
Many thanks MSLOVER!
Many thanks AGHCOLLECT!
Many thanks NORDICMAN !!!!!
Many thanks CAPERKID & RADEGRUNDER too !!!!!!!!!
Many thanks DLPETERSEN !!!!!!
Many thanks NEWFLD !.!!!!.!
Many thanks AURA !.!.!.!.!
Many thanks FALCON !!!!!