Posted 9 years ago
(305 items)
I think I like Moving Sales the best. Those folks are motivated to sell. The man with this Decanter had a $10 sticker on it. I looked at it, gave him a tutorial (nicely) about the decanter, then told him I didn't think I had the spare 10 for the glass. As I was starting to leave, he said, "do you have $5 for it?" Why yes I do. I got home and priced them, whoa, they are very expensive, so I guess I had another good day. I think I'll stay home tomorrow, day of rest and all.
Thanks for stopping by.
How stunning! Looks heavy like lead crystal. Lucky you!
Thank you MamaT, Aura, TrudiCakes, Vetraio50 and Blunderbuss2 for the "Love it" clicks.
Thank you Racer4four for the "Love it" click.
Glorious decanter, and so beautifully photographed!
Thanks going out to Nutsabotas6 and Kyratango for the praise. The photography is a new technique I am developing. Going to be using it more, when appropriate. So very thankful. D.
Thank you Racer4four, TassieDevil, Antiquerose, Nutsabotas6, Kyratango, AzTom and Sklo42 for the "Love it" clicks.