Posted 9 years ago
(48 items)
This is a “Douglas Art Case Cabinet” with a nickle outside morning glory horn; even though it isn't known exactly who made/sold it. They were sold by upscale New York City dealers as “custom models”, nearly all that are known use the Victor D phonograph mechanical parts. So this was some kind of hybrid aftermarket conversion for wealthy buyers. They were only made for 2 or 3 years, and this one likely was made in 1905.
A HUGE thank you to Paul Edie for helping garner more precise information on this phonograph set!
Only thing I can say, is WOW !!
That is a nice one. Not only that, it is the nicest nice one I have ever seen.
Thanks for the Loves & Comments!
I have a fascination and love of the early phonographs (both cylinder player and disc) and music boxes.