Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
It is aluminum and I know it has a certain amount of age to it. I do not care about value but I would like to make sure what it is and about how old. I cannot find another like it except one man who has one the size of a penny that is copper. This one is the size of a half dollar.
This is a Catholic Medal depicting Saint Christopher who (at one time) was the Patron Saint of travellers.....including those travelling by Model A's (image on back). He is often depicted carrying baby Jesus on his shoulders and carrying a long walking stick. I don't really know why but apparently he was never officially declared a Saint so he lost favour with the Catholic Church. I remember seeing these "medals" in every Catholic owner's cars when I was growing up. RER(BOB)
What is bugging me is that I cannot even find a close match for the front or the back.
Most Saint Christopher's with the car on it have One or two passengers. This has three. Almost every front I see has the walking staff on the right side of the figure, Not held across the body like this one.
Whether you travelled by train, by motorbike, by boat or by a 3-seater Model A's, St. Christopher protected you. There are literally thousands of different depictions of St. Christopher out there....yours is different from most and well worn. They were also worn by people and in their pockets for "protection". RER
LOUMANAL is absolutely right. It is a St. Christopher's medal. Here's one with the saint depicted in the same position of yours: