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Arts and Crafts amethyst and sterling ring, part 2 after kyratisation.

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (436 items)

    I decided to complete the ring with some man made old seed pearls, (pearlised wax stuffed in blown glass pearls), I have in several strands lot bought at flea market 20 years ago.

    Mounted on a thin silver wire as they were originally, the result is not so bad :-)

    These "pearls" are very delicate, as the glass shell stuffed with wax is so thin!

    But if they crush... I can replace them many times with the huge lot I have!

    Would love to find such tiny real natural pearls, as on Georgian/Victorian wedding suites... Spares are very difficult and expensive to get!

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    1. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Just beautiful both the part 1 and part 2 look!!!!
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      Love love love!
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 9 years ago
      Oh Wow Kyra!! The ring looks even better in this post. Simply BEAUTIFUL!!!
    4. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Tassie...Angel, me too! Thank you :-)
      Bonnie! Thanks my friend!
      Scott, what a wow comment! Thank you so much :-)

      Many thanks for your lovely visit, Nicefice, Thomas, MamaT and Caperkid!
    5. Manikin Manikin, 9 years ago
      Gorgeous and love the addition of the seed pearls ! xoxo
    6. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Mani! Thank you! BIG XOXO!
    7. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 9 years ago
      Now that is kyratization at its finest !~
    8. courtenayantiques courtenayantiques, 9 years ago
      The addition of the pearls make this gorgeous ring pop! Looks fabulous, great job!
    9. mikelv85 mikelv85, 9 years ago
      Kyratized to perfection ! :)
    10. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Phil, thank you for the compliment, and love!
      Courtenay, many thanks too for your kind comment and love :-)
      Mike, thank you for your sweet comment and love!!!

      Many thanks to all of you, lovers:
      Aura, Kevin, Jean, Fortapache, Martika and Karen :-D
    11. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 9 years ago
      I've never seen one of these with pearls like this. Very unusual. You know, these rings are getting very hard to find now.
    12. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Hi Jewels1900! I can only suppose it had pearls... I tried salmon coral and it was beurk...
      No emeralds or peridots micro beads available in my "in case of" box ;-))
      I'm hunting for those rings at affordable price and agree it is hard to get one!
      Thank you for taking time to visit here, XOXO to you and baby Ari!
    13. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Coucou David! 1/4 of an hour... :-D
      Thank you for your funny comment !
    14. Bluboi Bluboi, 9 years ago
      Great work, Kyra! You have such patience! Regarding your comment about pearls and hard to get -- I was visiting a friend in London a couple of years ago, looking for some pearls to replace the incorrect ones on a pendant. He and I spent an hour going through his stash and finally found some good matches, but he said it is impossible to get antique pearls anymore. He said his inventory was severely depleted by a Saudi buyer who bought thousands of pearls.
    15. Agram.m Agram.m, 9 years ago
      Very clever restored Kyra my compliments
    16. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Nutsabotas, it complement the amethyst very well! Anyway I loved it too as it was :-) Thank you for your visit and appreciation!

      Blueboi! You're too rare on CW... missed your posts!
      Thank you for stopping here and for your comment, natural pearls are picked by Saudi an, as jade by Chinese...
    17. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Dear Marga, thank you for your so kind compliment and lovely visit :-))
    18. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      OMG, that is just incredible, absolutely stunning. What artistry, kyratango, you are just amazingly talented at what you do. Masterpiece!
    19. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Too kind compliment, Katherine... I only threaded some pearls in place :-)
      But, really, thank you my friend!
    20. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Wooh.... thank you all 24 lovers :-D
    21. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Thank you dear Valentino for your lovely visit :-)
    22. davyd286, 9 years ago
      The combination of pearls and amethyst is lovely! Another project well done! Thanks for sharing.
    23. pops52 pops52, 9 years ago
      Wow! nice job!
    24. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Thank you Davyd for your appreciation and so kind comment, highly appreciated!

      Pops, thank you too for your lovely visit and compliment :-))
    25. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      Beautiful color:)
    26. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      The pearls really do make a difference:)
    27. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Thank you Trey for your appreciation and lovely comment! :-)

      Thanks for your lovely visit, Amatoor and Amiar!

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