Posted 9 years ago
(3473 items)
This was a Limited Edition as if they make infinite numbers of anything.
Anyway this George Washington figure was made by Hasbro in 1998. He is missing his map and compass, they are probably around somewhere.
No time for fine photos tonight but I did get to see a fine fireworks show. We had the 4th on the 3rd. Big Bear has their fireworks on the Forth.
I had no idea that Hasbro ever produced a George Washington. This is excellent!! Happy Independence Day!!!
Happy Fourth Mr. President! I love this figure with the proper flag and all!
Thank you very much Scott and Happy 4th!
Thank you very much brunswick and a fun filled fourth.
Thank you very much mareredware. The flag is a nice touch.
Thank you
Does he have the scar?
Thank you racer47four. He does not have a scar or perhaps I should say the scar.
Thank you vintagelamp.
Thank you SEAN68.
Thank you Trey.