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Neglected vintage White sewing machine needs indentifying

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Non-Singer Sewing Machines188 of 454Lada(?) T121 (model 121?) vintage sewing machine.Old sewing machine
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    I have inherited this neglected White sewing machine. It was left in an outdoor storage room for approximately 35 years. Shameful, I know. I am trying to identify it hoping to be able to use it someday. It would be perfect for quilting. The serial number is FR7023923 or possibly 723. I have taken the drawers out of the cabinet to try to restore them. I have been able to get most parts turning again but need to know what cable to order, etc for other parts. This is not to be sold and I don't care about the value. I would like to know the date and where I might be able to order any parts and manual for it. Hopefully, someone out there is knowledgeable enough to figure this out for me. I have exhausted internet searches. Thank you so much.

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    1. dramaqueentris dramaqueentris, 9 years ago
      You have your work cut out for you but what fun! I have scoured the internet as well only to find out that FR means Family Rotary After HOURS of researching I found this article with a guy with the same problem . He called the White Husqvarna/Viking/White company gave the serial number and they dated the machine duh!! How simple was that??!! 1 800 446 2333 I'm calling Monday! Google the numberThis should save A LOT of frustration for both of us! Keep us updated!!

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