Posted 9 years ago
(925 items)
This very cool ring came as a gift from my son and was described as a WWII Air Force ring that many pilots wore proudly during the Great War. I believe that this is a reproduction of the original? I love it. We thought it was British until informed it is actually American. Air Force guys were real heroes in the big war and lots lost their lives. Very dangerous job! No fighter escorts left them helpless till the P-51 came out with the RR twin supercharged engine (Merlin)
We have 5 sons and this is the one that is my collection partner. He loves the same old stuff I love which is great for both of us. Thx for the well wishes
Thx for the love it
It is not UK, it is a US insignia.
This is a US Army Air Corps Officer collar insignia. The wing and prop was worn on the lapel of officers and centered on a brass disc for enlisted personnel.
Your version appears to be smaller than the standard size and probably made specifically for "Sweetheart" type items.
What makes you think it is a reproduction?
Thx for the love it