Posted 9 years ago
(948 items)
While the final decision has not yet been reached, we are now convinced that our new mini plane that we thought was a P-51 when we bought it, is actually a P-40. The rounded tail and the square top on the engine cowl are pretty convincing evidence for now. We have put the new little guy on the roof of the Texaco station until we can get a proper saddle and pole mount for it to really show it off. For now it will just sit un noticed on the Texaco Station at the Lakeside Storage Free Museum. My wife says there is waaaaay too much stuff in the museum for anyone to ever notice this new addition. We certainly hope she's wrong, but time will tell.
Yep P-40. You'll need the shark mouth and then the flying tigers Chinese markings.
Thx for the suggestions and the love it Fortapache. I've already got the shark teeth on the docket.
Thx for the love it Racer4four
Thx for the love it jscott0363
I can see it!! And FYI you can never have to much:) I got the don't you think you have enough speech the other day LOL and I said what's enough :)
We completely agree with you and love the hunt! Maybe when our sources dry up we will lose interest, but for now it is still exhilarating and we have no explaination for the feelings of finding another sign in some barn or behind an old building!!! It's a never ending thrill so far! Better than a roller coaster ride!
I'm looking for doors for my new Gilbarco pump 1938 I posted the other day they are not hinged they just slide on. Any leads?
Hmmmm? Don't know of any as artists in this area use doors to paint art and leave the pump worthless. I'll keep my eyes open tho