Posted 9 years ago
(290 items)
As I age I find myself refining what I collect. Whether its comics, simpsons items or pinbacks. Case in point....premium pinbacks. Over the last year and a half, all monies i spend on pinbacks, goes toward vintage popeye license pieces, 1929 - 1950. Been on a mission. Foryour pleasure a very early popeye gumball pinback, 13/16th size in four colours. The pin still has its back paper so can only get a range for date of issue. The union mark on the paper was only issued between 1929-1938. I had only seen this pin in Hakes Button Price guide and once on ebay(i bought it). Great early popeye character model. This pin is HTF. Hope you enjoy.
love popeye!
Love popeye. Great colors on the pin.
Thank you ravage60, glad you enjoy the pinback, will be posting more soon, been lazy lately.