Posted 9 years ago
(183 items)
This is a picture that hung in my grandmothers bedroom for as long as I can remember. After she passed it became mine. I do not know anything about it. The signature is covered up by the frame and I am too afraid to remove the frame to see the full signature. When I attempt to loosen the print from the frame it is stuck in some places.
Does anyone know anything about this print?
The picture should just slide right out of that plastic frame once the wire is detached and scotch tape is cut open. You won't hurt a thing by removing it.
I never realized it even had a name listed on it. Knowing my luck I would not get it put back together again. I am curious to know what the name is, but I'm satisfied to leave it on my wall as is.
When I attempt to loosen the print from the frame it is stuck in some places, so I think it is good I'm keeping it for myself, as I won't be able to figure out what the signature is.