Posted 9 years ago
(498 items)
My Mum has given me this old glass light shade. It has been hanging in her house since 1965 ish, when it was built. Whether it is older than that I don't know. It could be, as the house belonged to my grandparents first and they could have brought it with them from elsewhere. Can anyone tell me age, where it could have been made etc. It does have some moulding on rim and is a very pretty mottled blue and white. It has a fair bit of paint on it which I will have to try and remove.
I have seen many of these in different countries of the world. I think they are from the 40's. Very beautiful, keep it. They can be very expensive some day
TOTALLY older than the 60's. 1930's. Could even be 20's. Could be 40's too, but I think older. NICE.
Thanks for your comments. I am keeping the shade, and it is already hanging in our downstairs cloakroom!
lovely lamp shade!!