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vintage richartz pocket knife

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Recent Activity27 of 683Germanic Cutlery Works Pocket Knifecan anyone help with identification
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (63 items)

    I know its old. pre 64 .

    what type knife is this ?

    its a vintage, richartz Solingen rostfrei stainless inoxydable Germany stamped knife. its in mint condition. my son bought it for me... he is learning !

    yall think it mayve came with a sticker of some type on the scales ? it is in excellent condition. so shiney, all the glare hides the proof markings. and my photography sucks.

    thanks for any answers guys.

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    1. UncleRon UncleRon, 9 years ago
      From the look of the blade I'd guess that it's a "commercial" knife used for a specific precision purpose, like trimming photographs, as opposed to a general purpose carry knife.
    2. whyatt whyatt, 9 years ago
      thanks ron. I thought it might be a peeling knife of some sort. but itd likely have been worn out by now if it were.
    3. Izukulover20, 2 years ago
      I just found one of those in my yard.

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