Posted 9 years ago
(2 items)
Hi, Can anyone help me identify this doll.She is marked Hilda JDK with a C in a circle.1914 ges.schech 1070 made in 10 Germany.She has a bisque head and composition body.Is she old or a repro?She is 18 tall.
This is a reproduction of one the most loved Antique bisque dolls by collectors ( Hilda) A original is still expensive so there were many reproductions made in ceramic classes and doll making classes . Made most likely in 1980's -90's when antique doll prices were extremely high before internet .
Oh and she is mold(ges.schech) Means Registered 1o70 they used a few different mold numbers for Hilda . So that is not date but how you refer to her .1914 is date .