Posted 9 years ago
(18 items)
Stumbled across these wonderful MCM pieces and can see that they resemble some that Hedi Schoop did, but I know that these are not her work.
SOOOOOO....I know that Napco made them since they are stickered....but would like to know more about them.
Anyone know the name of these pieces, I have scoured the Internet and apparently no one has ever posted pictures like these.
Thanks for any info.
These are great!!
Got that Hollywood Regency look.
Thanks Sean68 and Dizzydave, yes they do have that look.
Why would Napco be making these when it looks like other company's and Hedi Schoop were making similar figurines.
This is driving me nuts, I wonder if these figurines are listed in the "Napco" book, I guess I'll get my library to order a copy in for me.
They are Comedy & Tragedy if that helps.
Kovel's has them as Schoop. And here's another pair. Do a google image search hedi schoop comedy & tragedy...
Wait - those are the same pics...
Yeah I have them posted there too....but don't know if they are really Schoop....I had a guy tell me in an email through the other site that they weren't....hell I don't know anymore
THESE are Hedi. That ^^ ebay listing says 'schoop style'
I'm gonna go with the guy. They are in the manner of Schoop. Wow - Lefton had a version, too.
Her stuff is beautiful! Verylanguid.
They are really special, it’s a wonder they are perfect. Very easily broken. So MSM love them!
Both Napco and Lefton were importers. These figures are a Made in Japan knock-off of a Hedi Schoop design.