Posted 9 years ago
(88 items)
one of the weird spoons from my late dads collection.
does anyone know about these. is it for cocktails maybe.
definitely old. most stuff i have is english. cant figure out the initials as they could be in any order?
Pretty neat! Definitely an interesting looking spoon!
Hi! Beautiful and interesting old spoon!
I don't think they drank cocktails then :-)
I think it is for eating porridge/oatmeal, horn doesn't conduct heat, and was used too for baby spoons.
See these:
Initials seems to be A D in cursive!
thanks guys! my great uncle was arthur drury.
couldnt see it myself but on further investigation i agree.
i think they may be made of celuloid.
Not celluloïd, this is around mid 18oo's, natural horn :-)
Great family heirloom:)