Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
Antique wooden crank phone. It does not have a name plate so I do not know the manufacturer. I also have not been able to open it without a key. I found it in my grandparents attic. Does anyone know anything about these phones? Or any idea how to open it up without a key?
I got the phone open and have updated the pictures with some of the inside. I'm guessing it's been altered.
Your wall phone was manufactured by Holtzer-Cabot Electric Company of Boston, MA around 1908. Model number is 1333. You can remove the two screws on the key hole plate and use a screw driver to unlock the door. The magneto behind the door
could be marked HC.
Thank you so much! I will try that this evening.
The magneto is The Williams-Abbott Electric, but it's not correct for this phone. The magneto should set on the lower shelf that is missing. Looks like someone tried to convert this phone for modern day use.