Posted 9 years ago
(199 items)
These are made originally for peeling fruit but everybody carried one the old days for protection. The blades semi-lock in numerous positions on humps at the swivel point as can be seen in #1 & locks firmly as the other pix show when fully opened. As I remember from the 70's & 80's, they were made in Sheffield but this one says S. Africa. When they are loosened up enough, they can be flipped open with your bird finger holding up the ring.
Great piece bb2 thanks for sharing
According to the most recent Knife magazine, Vol.2 #8, Okapi knife and tool makers originated in Germany in 1902 and have been in South Africa "for nearly 40 years." CAS Iberia is now the official wholesale distributor and the entire line of Okapi knives and machetes will be available in the US later this year. All you guys selling them on ebay for $40 had better get rid of them before everyone finds out because the MSRP on the ratcheting model is $14.95!
Thanks for the notice Ron. Our Jamaican gate guard just brought some back from there & offered to sell me 1 for a bit more than "14.95". I'm trying to sell him pepper spray & he is trying to sell me a ratchet knife. LOL !! After living in Jamaica for 14 1/2 yrs., I'm still having trouble accepting being guarded by them ! LOL !! They like my brownies thought.
wow!!! great handle and knife!!
Hi this is Catmanyoutube just so you know I don't think it's an imatation as the handle is metal