Posted 9 years ago
(586 items)
This vase turned up with a consignment from Japan and was a gift from my agent there. I am assuming it is Japanese made as it does have some features I see in Japanese glass.
It is so pretty; I love the pink and green spatters and the shape of it.
It's a flower piece for me.
Interestingly the base has been glass filled after moulding. I'm not sure why. Some glassmakers do this to clean things up, some to add strength when the mould pour has resulted in a thin base.
Green and pink - my favourite!
I'm with Ivonne - I'm really digging that color combo, especially now that we're in the dead of summer here! It looks refreshing and bright. : )
Thanks Ivonne. It's such a lovely combination I agree!
It does SWF! That's why I call it a flower piece - like spring. Thanks for the love and comment.
Very pretty colors and vase. You have an agent? WTH? ;) Where do you get one of those? And what does that mean exactly?
Well, I made it sound so much better and more important than it really is!!
There are a number of "agents" that allow you to buy from Japan's version of Ebay (Yahoo) and the items get sent to them and they store them until you are ready to have them posted. So I can buy the glass I want and have it held and then sent as one big consignment to save on post. Of course, there is a fee for it but it works well for me. Every now and then they stick an extra in my consignment box - probably something left hanging around the warehouse.
Good hey!
That is so very cool! I've never heard of this type of consignment agency before. You have an incredible Japanese glass collection, to say the very least!
What I love the most about this Karen, is the mouth! The unevenness provides such a nice contrast to the clean lines of the vase, and you know how much I love contrast and texture!
Thanks for the boost to my collection's self confidence Scott. The agent thingy is very useful for me.
Rick I know your likes and agree, the mouth works well and is hot worked post moulding like so much Japanese glass. Thanks for the love and comment.
I really like this vase: quite unassuming but it grows the more I look at it!
Wow you have an "agent" ( aka people ) !!
Make sure your people -- talk to My people, and they inform all the people....LOL
My people will! Lol Rose
Wow Karen......what a great idea and seems to work really well for you too!!
Love this one, Karen.
It does Judy. I am able to access art glass I have never seen here!
Glad you do Blade. It's quietly nice I think.
I just love this vase, it's beautifully simple with a timeless shape and the colours so very lovely... it's perfect'...:-)
Thanks Miss Inky. I just need some pretty flowers for it now - on the list to buy tomorrow.