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Agate Arrow Point

All items103009 of 245611Native American Arrowhead??BEAUTIFUL GOLD POCKETBOOK ?
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (348 items)

    I won this at an Gem & Rock show in my area. Every year I have gone I have gotten a few really cool pieces. One year I even won something in their raffle. I love this kind of stuff. This previous year there was a cool Dinosaur Exhibit and a Shark Exhibit.


    1. jeneric jeneric, 9 years ago
      Thanks olebodie I might just do that.
    2. Jimage, 9 years ago
      It's a replica sorry to say. Too perfect.
    3. jeneric jeneric, 9 years ago
      Yeah this one I got at the gem show, so it probably isnt native american. I like it though.

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