Posted 9 years ago
(498 items)
I wondered if anyone could help me identify this bowl. I was attracted by the colour and berry design, but I am not sure how old it is, and the red colour scrapes off! The edge of the bowl is a bit crude and not very well finished and feels quite sharp edged. Any help would be appreciated.
This is an Indiana Glass Triangular Loganberry Bowl. They come in a few different color schemes including Green and Clear. By the Pictures you provided, it looks like they sprayed a red onto the bowl, this is done to create variations.
it's Indiana Glass #606 Loganberry, the finish on these painted/stained versions if often easily scratched.
Thanks very much for the speedy identification. The bottom has quite a few bits scratched off.
this bowl/bonbon was made for many years (1930s-70s) with this type of applied finish in various colors.