Posted 9 years ago
(41 items)
This is a counter-top cigar and pipe lighter which would have been seen in a tobacco shop in the late 19th century. The device uses a battery comprised of a glass jar containing a solution of potassium bichromate in which are suspended two carbon panels (“C”). Suspended above the solution is a piece of zinc (“B”) on a spring-loaded plunger, such that it can be pushed down into the solution, creating a chemical reaction. The parts are wired in a circuit which includes a small coil or “lamp” (“A”) which then heats red-hot igniting an alcohol burner resting on a pewter ring attached to the front. This burner can be picked up to light a cigar or, the two tubes on the front contain kerosene and have pewter caps holding wires, wrapped with wool yarn, which can be removed, ignited, and used to light a pipe.
The unit is 5 ¾” tall to the top of the top plate. The top and bottom plates are wood. The front of the glass jar is cast with the words “Portable Electric / Lamp, an image of a bird, and a ribbon containing the words “Pat May 26 1882.” I have tried to locate the patent, to no avail. I have seen three other examples of this item, two of which were seriously incomplete. Anybody have any ideas on the patent?
Doesn't actually fit in the handbag, or pocket. "Just a minute Millicent, I've forgotten my cigar lighter."
No tapers or long matches in those days? My dad used his cigarette lighter to light his cigar.
Is a bit bulky & complicated. A cigar lighter with only 22 moving parts ! LOL !! What a conversation piece !
That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.