Posted 9 years ago
(1017 items)
I spotted this critter in one of my regular stops on my Thrift Shop Route. *GRAB* - $4.95 came out of my wallet.
I've never seen anything like it. The antennas are a bit worse for wear (one is missing) but that isn't a biggie. This baby is HUGE. I looked on Google Images and didn't find a single one that has distinct, separate wings. I searched fly and and bee metal ashtrays, but am sure this is a fly. I know there is one posted here that is from the early 1900s, but it doesn't look like this one. I looked everywhere and didn't find any marks, either.
Thanks for coming!
So neat!
Bug? Buug?!!
Here I am!!!
Argh Bonnie! Technically, this is a Bzzz Bzzz!
Incredible huge fly!!! As cute as Jeff Goldblum was ;-)
That is one big fly!!!!!
Oh wow! That is a very cool bee! I've not seen one like this, until now. What an incredible find!!
very cool!
lol ........... A Blue Jays Baseball Mug!!
Ya must have some Canadian in ya !!!
Neat Bug too. Big Buggger !!
Thanks for the great comments/love, you guys!
rose - I bought that mug in 2003 when I was in Toronto. :-)))))
Love the mug as well :) Go Jays!
Reminds me of the huge fly from Beetlejuice:)
This is awesome! I see the similarity between our hornets-wasps. Makes sense thx