Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
Sold for approximately only one year in Ontario, Canada by Carling O'keefe Breweries. I remember a story that circulated back then was the beer was pulled off the shelfs in Ontario due to problems with liquor licensing regarding the name of the beer. The alcohol content was listed in the name of the beer and that was illegal apparently in Ontario. Too bad because it was the best beer we ever drank. I have the original case and 12 stubbies but I miss the beer!
Wonder if they made it under another name ? Probably are rare stubby too.
What year was it made ?
I think I recall buying it around 1978 - 79 in Ontario. I noticed there are cans for sale with the exact same logo, but we didn't have beer in cans then? So they must have kept making it afterwards, possibly in the States?
Possibly alot of recipes and names change to sell elsewhere.
Just read a post confirming what you heard it also said it was renamed magnum ale and slowly disappeared. Ontario law he said did not alow alcohol content to be in the name. Also said something ive not heard in a while .Brador beer from Quebec and making a run to Hull for it lol. Welcome to C.W.
I really liked that beer when it was around. I still have 1 stubby bottle and it still has the cap sealed (beer is bad tho) and the label is a little beat up.
Also had a beer opener for that brand too.... not sure where that might be.
Seemed to disappear soon after it was introduced here in Ontario - pity.