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Arts and Crafts Sterling Silver Abalone/Paua Shell Pendant and Earrings

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (175 items)

    Hello everyone.

    Just had to show you this gorgeous set of pendant & earrings that arrived today!!!
    This was listed by an Australian seller, but on the U.S. auction site not the Australian site! My heart was in my mouth for the last 30 seconds of the auction, even though I had put quite a reasonable bid on. The starting price was US $9.99......would you believe that no one else bid on it!!!! I bought it for the opening bid which equated to AUS $13.17 !!!!!!!

    It is all hallmarked "SSILVER" for Sterling Silver, with leaves and a flower on each piece. The shell in the earrings is the same colouring while the shell in the pendant is a contrasting colour. The seller had them as being made in the 1920's. It is such a dainty set with the earrings and pendant all measuring only two & half cm (i inch) long. The very fine silver chain that the pendant hangs from is marked 935 Germany.....I do not know if this is the original chain, but it suits quite well.

    Now the question is, were they made in Australia or New Zealand??? or somewhere else??

    Look forward to hearing your thoughts on this set please and I hope you like them as much as I do. Thanks, Judy

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    1. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 9 years ago
      Hi Tassie, Kiwi Paul might be able to help you more, but I'm pretty sure these are NZ. Also, they are not quite arts & crafts, more like tourist work. Quite like Aussie opal jewellery of the same period. I think they date to the 40's or 50's.

      I don't know much about it other than occasionally I see it described as Arts & Crafts but I'm pretty sure its not.
    2. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      No worries Jewels, thanks, I am really happy with them anyway....and for the price I can't complain lol.
    3. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Thanks very much Nicefice, Amiar, Scott and Thomas, really appreciate the love and interest!
    4. kyratango kyratango, 9 years ago
      Absolutely delightful! I love Paua, and you got a bargain :-)
    5. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Thanks very much Pascale, I really appreciate your lovely comment :-)
    6. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Bonnie, Pascale and Sean, thanks very much for your support and the love, it is really appreciated!
    7. pops52 pops52, 9 years ago
      Love abalone, beautiful jewelry!
    8. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 9 years ago
      The awesome thing about collecting arts & crafts jewellery is that you can go out with a little money in your pocket & armed with a little knowledge & enthusiasm and come home with a beautiful & unique treasure.

      To collect arts & crafts is to always take a risk and have a go, that's why I love it. Sometime you get it wrong - but when you get it right - its like woo hoo!

      But these are not wrong by any means. I've been actively collecting arts & crafts for over 20 years & the number of abalone earrings I've ever seen is 1.

      When you've finally scored yourself a fantastic abalone pendant by GOH, or a great big abalone Scottish drop by Wilson or a beautiful abalone brooch by Saindheim, your going to love wearing it with those lovely little earrings.

      I love abalone, it's my fav (but don't tell my mother-of-pearl I said that). I'm only going to my sons footy game but I might go put some on now!
    9. racer4four racer4four, 9 years ago
      Well done you! A beautiful, easy to wear set for so little. I wonder why they didn't have it listed for Australia too? There is a burgeoning jewellery market here.
      I love the paua (of course) but really like the way they are so obviously handmade and the variation in the work of the flowers. It's nice the shell colour is different from the earrings to the pendant. You must be so happy about this set Judy!
    10. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Thanks very much NutsKen and PopsKen for both your wonderful comments and appreciation!!
    11. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Thanks Jewels, appreciate you taking the time to reply, but you have lost me a bit here! So are you saying now that the earrings are Arts and Crafts but the pendant isn't?? I can see the difference in the leaves between the pendant and the earrings, is this what makes the pendant not A&C???? Just trying to learn .......
      I'm glad you love abalone as well and yes for sure wear them to the footy!

    12. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Hi Karen, thanks appreciate your comment and yes I am very happy with these!!
      It was a really weird way to sell them.....I know some Aus sellers list on ebayUS so they can set a reserve (but it still shows in Aus Ebay).....but this set didn't even have I don't know!! Either way it only had to come from I got it really quickly.
    13. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Ken, melaniej, PopsKen, Recordmantime, Nevada, aura, vetraio50, Nicspawee, PhilDMorris and Karen....thanks very much each and every one of you for the love and interest, I really do appreciate it!!!
    14. inky inky, 9 years ago
      These are absolutely stunning!!!.. well done you!!...:-)
    15. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Oh, thanks so much Inky for the wonderful comment, and the love!!! I really appreciate it.
    16. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Appreciate the love Martika, thank you.
    17. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Valentino and Sean, always appreciate the love, thank you both!
    18. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Appreciate the love Vintageforever, thank you!
    19. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 9 years ago
      What a lovely set of jewels, TD, I can just imagine your wearing them. :)
    20. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Thanks Katherine for your lovely comment. I think they are just gorgeous and I really love them. Appreciate the love too!!
    21. kiwipaul kiwipaul, 9 years ago
      Hi Tassie, I think these are probably Australian, from one of the 'School of Rhoda Wager' makers circa 1930's to 50's.

      In New Zealand the first use of paua/abalone shell in jewellery is credited to Alfred Atkinson in the 1920's, however these are not by him. There's a new book out: "Vintage Paua Shell Jewellery - Art Souvenir, Tourist Kitsch, Kiwi Icon" and when I get it if there's anything like these shown I'll let you know.
    22. Jewels1900 Jewels1900, 9 years ago
      There you go Tassie, the Aussie thinks they are kiwi & the kiwi thinks they are Aussie.

      I recall looking at something quite similar in Auckland a few years ago. I will be interested in anything Paul finds because I was pretty sure they were Tourist Wear then.

      Abalone is not popular in Aussie arts & crafts jewellery. I can only recall ever seeing one piece, an early piece by Wager, but it was very much in the Scottish style (very Thew like). Abalone seemed to be much more popular in English & Scottish jewellery.
    23. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Hi Kiwi and Jewels,

      Thank you both for the comments for which I am really grateful, although totally confused now LOL.

      Kiwi, your new book sounds like it should be great.....please do let us know if you should find anything like my would be most appreciated.

      Jewels, what a guessing game these (or not) a&c pieces are, but I am open to all suggestions for sure. Oh, and I put this set on to go to the supermarket today lol!

      Thanks again to you both for helping me with this, it is really appreciated!!
    24. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      100% new zealand made:)

      paua shells can only be found in nz! hope the info helps!
    25. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      pair them with a coconut husks top and a straw skirt and you re ready to go! lol
    26. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 9 years ago
      Hi Fleafinder, thank you for the is an interesting article!
      Maybe 40 or so years ago I might have had a go at that suggestion LOL !!!!
      Appreciate the love too, thank you.
    27. Newfld Newfld, 7 years ago
      Very beautiful set, love their reflective quality
    28. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 7 years ago
      Hi Jenni, thank you, and for the love:-) These are still a favourite set to wear out in the sunshine!

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