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Art Glass & Brass Duck, 20 Century

In Art Glass > Show & Tell and Animals > Show & Tell.
Art Glass10109 of 23531Hobnail mould blown glass vase hallmarked Loebl London 1910Porcelain ? Vase, bird and floral design, crown shape top
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (915 items)

    Good Morning CW Members--- 2:30 AM)2016-7-30
    Many of you,,,,who know me, know I love Birds, the other day I was online shopping and looking(like many of us), I come across this beautiful Art Glass Duck, the seller as alway's(by Ignorance or Knowing) described this Duck to be made by LOETZ, this particular seller, sell by consignment, so he believe what the owner believe ( this duck is in the family for generation and this duck was made by LOETZ), by the seller pictures, it's hard to see if the etching mark was genuine and real, but in the first place, I LOVE THE PIECE OF GLASS, and not really bought it for the etching itself, I don't gone a lie to you, that if the etching was genuine from LOETZ, this will be a plus value, but after I receive the duck, I knew right away by looking with magnifier lens the Mark was fake, I have compare some mark before with a vase(Banded Kralik) on the
    The LOETZ mark on the duck was made with some kind of vibrating tool(picture 4), loetz, austria, p377

    This duck is impressive and a very nice piece of Art Glass combine with brass metal work.

    This Art Glass Duck stand, 7.75 inch tall, 5.25 inch wide and 12 inch long.
    Impressive 8 pound 12 oz

    Thanks Everyone for Viewing.

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 9 years ago
      This is really nice! Might be a paperweight. Here's something similar:
    2. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      Bonnie, thank you for the link, this quite similar.
      Many thanks for the comment, link and the love, much appreciated that you take some of your time to stop by.

    3. AmatoorPikr, 9 years ago
      Nice piece,...has a lot of personality!!! :)
    4. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      AmatoorPikr, yes indeed, lot of character, I love it very much.
      Many thanks for your comment, always appreciate you stop by.

    5. Celiene Celiene, 9 years ago
      8 POUNDS??!! How big is it??
    6. Alan2310 Alan2310, 9 years ago
      This Art Glass Duck stand, 7.75 inch tall, 5.25 inch wide and 12 inch long.
      Many thanks for comment, much appreciated that you take some time to stop by.

    7. gr8whtshark, 8 years ago
      Good morning I too have a glass and Brass duck Unknown Origin purchased at antique dealer 20 years ago. The brass top looks very similar to yours.The glass is blue with white stripes and both ducks have feet.I don't know how to submit a picture yet on this post
    8. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      A very good morning as well for you and all here.
      First of all, welcome to CW
      Created a post first, and summit the link here.

    9. gr8whtshark, 8 years ago
      Allen 230 I was able to post a picture of my ducks, However I did not know how to attach it to your strIng. I post it under art glass totaled brass and glass ducks if you are able to look it up you'll see how similar the brass part is to your duck

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