Posted 9 years ago
(3 items)
Picked this up at a garage sale. I am newly into sign collecting and this one grabbed my eye. Not sure what the 24 means on the flange but I know the design started around 1939. Any information is helpful!!
Yes, 18 x 18 were the earlier signs then it went to 11 x 11 later on.
So the 24 on the side has no significance? Just the 18" vs 11"? So maybe 40'some? I really appreciate all of your knowledge.
I'm not sure about the "24", I know mine does not have it. The small round "hubcap" signs were designated "21" and "22", so maybe the 11-inch flange was "23" (I think both sizes were available at the same time). The mark probably indicates an earlier sign. I would say that it adds to the value somewhat. These signs usually fetch about $75-100 for a decent example, although I have seen mint condition examples go for $150.
Awesome thank you for the information!