Posted 9 years ago
(53 items)
I bought this from a flea market today!
I don't wear any bracelet,and it's kind of jewelry that I rarely find a good one!
This bracelet looks like something made of brass...
The condition is not so good,but still ok to wear!
I love that it looks like a hand made piece!
It signed GM and Italy
Thank you that spending time with my post!
This is a Micro Mosaic bracelet. Very nice!
Here is a similar one:
This bracelet is lovely!!! I would wear it....
Really nice find, and not very common!
Thank you Efesgirl,Tassiedavil,racer4four!!!
I really like you guys,and wish we have houses in the same area!!!
My friend at college never understand when I talk about my treasure and stuffs LOL
Nicspawee I understand that, people rarely understands my jewelry obsession. But it doesn't matter, I meet equaly interested fellow collectors here on CW :) like you. Great to see a "new" collector here on CW.