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    Posted 9 years ago

    (766 items)

    Here are a few more items I was able to buy this weekend!You can see the lights cleaned up well and are carefully re wired to blink in my garage!

    also a Trico vacuum powered dash fan!what a crazy item!

    and why does the one say TELL STOP ?????????????????????? Are you supposed to tell someone to stop?

    Thanks for looking and enjoy!

    Unsolved Mystery

    Help us close this case. Add your knowledge below.


    1. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Cool! Love that light but have never seen one, can't help on that. That fan is great, does it run on vacuum?
    2. Trey Trey, 9 years ago
      It's saying I'm telling you I'm stoping maybe, they look awesome! Is the fan NOS?
    3. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 9 years ago
      yes and yes,wouldn't a vacuum fan cause a miss in the engine...................
      Thanks Trey and Tom!
    4. AzTom AzTom, 9 years ago
      Maybe that's why you don't see these around, they didn't work well. I'm sure you know GM used vacuum wipers well into the 50's, they didn't work well either,lol
    5. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love!

      yep, just dis assembled a 1950 Buick vac blade system that ran a cable set-up to actuate the arms!yikes!
    6. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 9 years ago
      Thanks for all the love!These 2 make 9 blinking in the "museum"
    7. burtmacklin burtmacklin, 9 years ago
      These are so cool!Nice idea!
    8. gargoylecollector gargoylecollector, 9 years ago
      Thanks for the love!

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