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Alan Fox Iridescent Glass Collection

In Art Glass > Studio Art Glass > Show & Tell.
Studio Art Glass310 of 574 Iridescent Arte Vargas Glass Heart PaperweightCloud glass or pate de verre cup
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    Posted 9 years ago

    (72 items)

    Alan Fox's WA Iridescent glass is one of my favorite things. So beautiful yet simplistic Fox's works are just to Die for. Sadly the rest of the family didn't take after the captivating iridescence technique, neither the less this set looks the part. Alan Fox collection - GROWING (3). Wish the Queen would share her private collection here on CW

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    1. Gillian, 9 years ago
      Very, very pretty indeed. Especially the one on the left. Is it a paper weight in between them?
    2. APEXantiques APEXantiques, 3 years ago
      I understand this was posted 5 years ago & so the likelihood of the original poster being around still is very slim but if they are, have you come across much/any more Alan Fox glass?
      I have one single piece (will post shortly) but would love to hear what you know & compare notes with you.
    3. Gillian, 3 years ago
      Beautiful Australian made glass. Quite a large presence on line.

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