Posted 9 years ago
(199 items)
Stick pin of the Dutch Nazi Party, the N.S.B. It existed between 1931 & 1940, when it it was outlawed in the Nederlands. When Germany invaded, it was reestablished as the only party allowed from 1941-45.
The emblem is a Nordic rune representing a wolfsangel. (I'm fairly certain translated properly, it would be wolfs angle). That was a baited hook hung from a tree to catch wolves.
It was later used as the collar etc. insignia for the Dutch 34th SS Volunteer Grenadier Division & later blended as the SS Landstorm Nederland. They surrendered in May 1945.
The wolfsangel was also the insignia rune of the 2nd SS Panzer Das Reich Division & the 4th SS polizei Panzergrenadier Division.
I'm here since 1990 and this is the first one I've seen. :-)))
I love how you challenge us all the time BB !!!!
I spotted this on ebay & grabbed it real cheap. Seems neither the poster or bidders knew what it was. The tiny pix he showed didn't help him either. Told him what it was after I won. Since I live in Dutch territory, I haven't showed it to (actually) anybody ! Seems like after the War, all these countries conveniently forgot that they turned in Jews as fast as the Germans & added hundreds of thousands of volunteers to the SS . The Nazi's being considered the lesser of 2 evils when compared with the Communists. A German girlfriend (not Jacky) told me once, "Das verl didn't understand. Ve ver not trying to take over das verl. Ve just vanted a better climate". Right Ina !! LOL!
Thanks Recordman. I failed to find that site. I had already been researching foreign SS volunteer units when this appeared on evil bay. If it weren't for all the foreign volunteers, Stalin would have defeated Germany probably 2 yrs. earlier & Hitler may not have even entertained the idea of invading Russia ! Fascinating study ! Did you know that the French were rounding up Jews so fast that the Germans had to tell them to slow down because they couldn't transport them fast enough ? Surprise around every corner in this facet of research. British & Irish SS volunteers.
lol the Irish join the SS to get the Brits out of there country ...smiling
Something like that Recordman. I read once that the Germans had trouble communicating with them. Irish, only a handful, but 50K-55K Dutch volunteered . That number was matched by many countries. They had one thing in common: They wanted to stop the Communists & considered the Fascist the lesser of the 2 evils.