Posted 9 years ago
(11 items)
My husband has had this in his possesion for 48 years.
Thats all I know. I have done quite a bit of looking but to no avail.
It is just under 2 inches tall and 1 1/4 inch wide. Seems to be mosaic inlaid in metal, brass, around a glass bottle with a hinged top, closes snugly.
Thanks for any information.
It`s cloisonne hinged perfume bottle. Cloisonne is a method of enameling. It`s either oriental or French.
I'd say champlevé enamel, smelling salts bottle
Possibly champlevé if the cells are carved, etched, die struck, or cast into the surface.
But it`s much easier to apply wire honeycomb cells. I cannot tell the difference based on images here. Much easier with twisted wire in Russian cloisonne. Modern fakes are cast, though.
Thank you for taking time to respond...
I am looking closely and does not seem like wire honeycomb
..not finding any thing that is patterned liked this or limited to 3 colors
seems like some Chinese pieces what do you think?
Yes, most likely Chinese and older production. Precise dating is impossible,though.
Thank you for your time and for your kind assistance.