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Guanyin Carving

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (6 items)

    Guanyin carving, unsure of age or material used. If anyone has any more information about the mark at the bottom or the material used, it would be greatly appreciated.

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    1. Cbill, 9 years ago
      This is ivory and I can tell by the tell tale schreger lines present in mammoth and elephant ivory. Such a lovely piece. It is most likely the Queen from a chess set. How did you acquire it?
    2. chananrubin, 9 years ago
      It was from a thrift store, the piece is connected with wooden pegs to the base. are you sure it is a chess piece?
    3. chananrubin, 9 years ago
      Also it stands 6-7 inches tall, which is quite large for a chess piece.
    4. Cbill, 9 years ago
      I see; I thought the bottom was the one shown with the pegs. It looks like a chess piece but I am speculating.
    5. chananrubin, 9 years ago
      It connects to the stand with those wooden pegs, which leads me to believe that it was made as such.
    6. Cbill, 9 years ago
      Is the base wooden or the same material?
    7. chananrubin, 9 years ago
      The base is wood
    8. Cbill, 9 years ago
      Cool; it's a lovely piece of art.
    9. chananrubin, 9 years ago
      Thank you, any guesses on the age?
    10. Cbill, 9 years ago
      It's very difficult to date ivory but I have saved the picture to show one of the doctors at the hospital where I work because he is Chinese; he might know what it says on the bottom.
    11. chananrubin, 9 years ago
      I would guess early 20th late 19th century.
    12. chananrubin, 9 years ago
      Wexval, any information?
    13. chananrubin, 9 years ago
    14. antique.7, 9 years ago
      What an intricate carving, I wonder if anyone deciphered the marking on the bottom.
    15. antique.7, 9 years ago
      This looks like an 19th century carving.
    16. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      its is read as feng
      meaning dedicated to the heavens
    17. antique.7, 9 years ago
      What about the age?
    18. antique.7, 9 years ago
      fleafinder, does the mark indicate anything other than that character?
    19. fleafinder fleafinder, 9 years ago
      nope it doesnt sadly
    20. antique.7, 9 years ago
      What would you estimate the date of it is?
    21. asianantiques, 9 years ago
      I would guess 19th century.
    22. chananrubin, 8 years ago
      That seems correct.
    23. antique32333333, 8 years ago
      This is an amazing carving.

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