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Seth Thomas Arcade Model 1761

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    Posted 9 years ago

    (1 item)

    Seth Thomas Round Regulator Clock. Found at estate sale and liked the style of it. Instruction card inside clock has Cat. No. 1761. NAME: ARCADE. MODEL: 1761-000. Also 1761-125 Issue 1. And staked with old ink stamp the Numbers 762. The clock does not work, needs cleaning and oil for sure. From my internet reading bushing. To searching the Internet, I guessing it could the $300.00 to get back running. I want to but I don't want to put $300 dollars into a $50.00 clock. Also what I keep finding is dates in 1900. It doesn't look like it's that old. Any info would be great.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Bruce99 Bruce99, 9 years ago
      Hello Tank,
      This is not an antique Seth Thomas. The Seth Thomas Company was bought by General Time in 1930. Seth Thomas/General Time was in turn purchased by Talley Industries in 1968 so your clock was manufactured after 1968.

      I think your clock was manufactured in June of 197 but I'm not certain if "7506" is a date code since I don't have a lot of experience with Talley Industries products. Sometimes, American Clock Manufacturers would manufacture their own "reproductions" of successful models which had been taken out of production years earlier.

      Your clock appears to be missing the hammers which would normally strike the chime rods at the top of the hour and perhaps at the half-hour. Here's a link to photos of a clock and movement similar to yours:

      I think you could probably find a complete example of this model in working condition for considerably less than $300. You have all the identifying information already so it should be easy to find other examples/auction results etc. They probably come up on eBay from time to time. This clock may have been used as a "donor". It's a nice decorative piece as is, but it will take some doing to set it right again. Hope that answers your questions and solves you mystery.
      Good luck and thanks for sharing.
    2. Tank, 9 years ago
      Thank you. Basically this is the clock version of the AMC Harley Davidsons. I thought something was odd, it doesn't seem as quality made as the name suggested. At least it is worth the $20.oo I bought it for. I love Coukoo Clocks so this will go to a thrift store.
    3. White.governor67 White.governor67, 1 month ago
      I recently obtained a Seth Thomas clock similar to yours. I'm thinking yours was put back together incorrectly and seems to be missing parts. I just thought I could help with some info. Mine is from the tally industries co. Thomaston Conn.USA
      A206-011(Two) jewels.
      7810 Unadjusted.

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