Posted 9 years ago
(91 items)
To all the glass lovers out there.This is a type of glass the Chinese call liu li. The higher grade of the liu li the more translucent it will be and thus the more expensive. Also, the more natural colors the liu li have the rarer the piece. It can possess up to 7 colors naturally and its called the qi cai liu li as shown in the link below and the price is phenomenal
I guess this horse is considered low to medium grade as it is not very translucent. I always wonder why the Chinese like to grade things from jade to tea. I guess its in their blood to improve or just pure lust who knows.
This horse in the picture is one of the many horses that my husband has. My husband is a steady and quiet man who enjoys his freedom.Maybe thats why he likes the horse
Amazingly beautiful, thanks so much for sharing!
Regardless of its "low to medium" grade, I find the piece exquisite, and the orb, as you've so eloquently described, "phenomenal".
Thanks pops52 and nevadablades for the nice words. It's a delight! I love staring into the orb too and the horse's overall oriental look:))))
I also think it's beautiful!
Thanks efesgirl!
This is some history of liu li that i enjoyed reading by researchin this piece. Hope you find the same pleasure too:))
Oh, that is truly a beautiful horse fleafinder!! Very nice!
What a stunning Piece - Wow Thanks for posting!!
I note some * Canadian Club * bottles in the back of the pic, EH?
It is an exquisite piece of cast glass and the crystal orb just hovers in it. So good!
@jscott0363: Thank you for the appreciation and love!!When i see makers mark i think of you!
@antiquerose: Yes you re right antique rose! A keen eye indeed for an antique collector. They are gifts to my husband from his US friends who will be leaving and cant bring all the booze back! Do you drink that as well?
@racer4four: Thank you very much for the comment and love.God bless
Thanks folks for the love.May this feng shui horse bring everybody in CW luck and happiness!
Hi fleafinder, this is wonderful. I discovered Luili in the form of a glass shoe, posted here, there're some links on there you may find interesting, if you haven't seen them already :)
This is a striking piece Fleafinder, and it presents so beautifully backlit as in the first pic!
thank you vintagefran and rick55 for the awesome comment.
@vintagefran : i saw the link you gave and liu li is really pure hard work! your liu li shoes was spectacular too. how did you manage your photography so well?
@rick55: Thank you i was holding the iphone and trying to do a backlit and snapping it all at once. Thank God the liu li horse is still one piece!
thanks everybody for popping by!!
Oh! Thank you Flea finder to make me discover what Liu Li is! I thought it was a maker...
Your horse is true art :-)
thanks kyra! so glad you love it:))