Posted 9 years ago
(586 items)
For quite a while I have been searching for the maker behind a range of blown and moulded glass from Japan.
The glass has generally carried a simple round red sticker with a stylised S and Handcraft as seen on the green vase in photo 1. Others had suggested Sasaki but I was sure they weren't by them as the style and method were not right for me. I have a number of pieces of glass with this sticker and none of it is anything like Sasaki glass.
I was happy recently to find two pieces from Shoei Glass, both labelled, and I am quite happy to say I am sure I have found my maker's name.
Photo 2 shows the base of the blue vase with a Shoei Craft sticker. Photo 3 shows two vases made in a very Aseda-ish JIP style, one of which has a Shoei Craft sticker.
My next job is to find some history on Shoei Glass. So far the only information I have found states Shoei Glass was owned by Mitsubishi Chemical prior to WW2, as was the larger company Asahi Glass. The current Japanese company Shoei Glass is unrelated as far as I can tell as it was not established until 1997 and makes touch panels.
Beautiful glass! Nice work finding your maker, Karen. Sometimes time and persistence does the trick! :)
All beautiful pieces, Karen!........ LOVE the green one in pic #3 best! [;>)
I occasionally have a win Katherine! Thanks mate :)
That is a good piece KJ and most don't think it Japanese.
Thanks for the lurve and comment!
Wow -- neat pieces. The pieces in pics # 3 and # 4 looks so much like ASEDA GLASS BONE VASE.......but yours have the label on them. I will have to get my eyes checked to figure out which is which -- as so close in design !!!!
Nice Research - Thanks you for sharing !!!
Thanks Rose. The easiest way to tell these from Aseda is the base. Aseda is ground flat, these have been moulded concave.
Thanks MCRobert! Japanese glass an be pretty difficult to research and I'm always lad for new bits of info.
Hi Karen. I noticed the similarity between the first vase in the first photo to a piece I posted several months ago. What does the bottom on your piece look like? Could my vase be by Shoei Glass?
Kevin I have to say I have changed my opinions since I wrote this post. I am almost sure now that Shoei did not manufacture, and were just a seller/distributor.
I have written another comment on your post regarding your vase. :)