Posted 9 years ago
(1017 items)
Not long ago, I posted my vintage brass pot from Lourdes. It is the same size and shape as this pot, and from the same time period. I emailed everyone under the sun in and around Lourdes and nobody knows anything about these souvenir pots. I don't know if they are from the 1930s, 1960s or somewhere in-between. More a matter of curiosity than of importance.
Thanks for looking/loving, friends!
Oh Bonnie, This is just a fantastic piece!
Is Lourdes still a place that is highly visited? I bet the items sold there now are not like this!
Probably made by German soldiers to sell to the tourists who landed in Normandy. LOL !
karen - as far as I know, people still go there. The souvenirs are quite different (and cheap looking!) these days!
bb2 - hey, nothing would surprise me anymore....LOL!
It's a great little folk art find, Bonnie. A friend of mine was in South America and went to visit a church at the top of a hill. All along the sides of the hill were artisan shops selling trinkets. He sent me a wooden rosary and chalkware Jesus. This was some little out of the way church, I can't imagine what the road to Lourdes must be like, especially in the early years. If the number of Miracle Medals is any indication, there's probably no end to the artisans and trinkets from then to now. :)
This is really something! From the photos, it looks like it's made of clay! I LOVE IT! [;>)
To keep your rosaries in?