Posted 9 years ago
(308 items)
As I am mostly about color, it really takes a Doozy to get my attention. I got this on my second visit to the shop. Incredibly delicate and beautiful. The hummingbird is very Murano looking, the artist has a thin tendril of glass going into the flower and the flower is done in a perfect frost.
Hummingbird- 1 1/2" long
Entire Piece- 8 1/2" tall
Thanks for stopping by.
Beautiful. How did you get such a fragile piece home safely Dean?!
Thank you Racer. I'm not sure, I was nervous. I got it home and put it in the Art Glass Hutch with a sigh of relief. Thanks.
What exquisite photos!! That's museum quality photography. The glass is awesome, too. Great find, Deano.
Thank you Brunswick for the Love and nice compliment. Thanks.
This one does not by any means need color to make it spectacular, it just is!
Thank you TrudiCakes, twern't nothing, just a little camera magic. Thanks.
Just beautiful....
Love hummingbirds :)
I was just sitting out back on the deck watching the hummingbirds feed while drinking coffee.
Thank you Vetraio for the Exquise comment and "Love it" click.
Thank you Jeneric for the nice compliment and "Love it" click.
Thank you TassieDevil, Ivonne, Caperkid, Martika, Racer4four, Sklo42, Aura, Brunswick, TrudiCakes, Rick55, Vetraio50, Jeneric and Gillian for the "Love it" clicks.
I saw the bird today
Inspired me to boil up a batch of hummingbird chow and stop by here
Thank you Wickencrafts for the relevant hummingbird comment and the "Love it" click.
Thank you Nutsabotas6 for the "Love it" click and kind words.