Posted 9 years ago
(28 items)
The ears on all three fold down and then you can push them back up. They make a sound but not as loud as a regular door knocker.
They were among the displays for tractor seats and side badges for grain drills. So it doesn't seem like the place for door knockers.
Not sure what category to put this in. At least until I know what they are.
Whatever they are, I love it.
Me too SpiritBear. I didn't take any where near as many pictures this year. But these were very different.
They are gate latches.
Thanks TA. I never would of guessed gate latch.
They look like bats!
That's what I thought when I saw them too LOUMANAL. My son said cats. And after TA identified them every description I have read says cats.
You're welcome ravage60.