Posted 9 years ago
(1 item)
Got this from a woman who seems to be a picker. She thinks she found it in a garbage can. I'm not even sure it is Mexican. It is unmarked, the stones are either sodalite or lapis, I think. After much work the crud and tarnish is coming off. . It is unmarked but seems to be some sort of silver. The closure is a simple fish hook style and ring. I have looked and looked and can't find anything quite like it using any of the search terms I can think of.
1. Is it Mexican?
2. Any idea of when it might have been made?
3. Any thoughts about sodalite or lapis?
4. Any other comments? :-)
I've spent probably 50 hours trying to find out anything about it. Finding this page was a happy accident!
That's pretty! Doesn't exactly look like silver - more like alpaca. Mexican jewelry is often alpaca.
Sodalite? Hmmm...whatever it is almost looks like it's been pressed into the setting rather than "set"- ya know? Is it cold, like stone?
Yes cold like stone. You are right, now that you point it out, it DOES look rather pressed-in!
Bezel set... I'd bet on sodalite.
Welcome to CW :-)
Thank you :-) What an awesome resource!
Thanks valentino97 :) Great info!
Sodalite is a rich royal blue tectosilicate mineral widely used as an ornamental gemstone. Although massive sodalite samples are opaque, crystals are usually transparent to translucent. Wikipedia Rich dark blue.
Three different photos, all of which could be called light or dark depending on the light source. They're not polished, or domed. But everyone can see that. So.... after all it's the viewer's pick as to what stone. Image searches throw up hundreds of "blue" variants.
From the style and the setting of the stone I agree with Valentino and say Afghanistan and I would like to add Pakistan as well. If it's lapis, which I can't tell, they use it a lot in jewelry in that area.
From the style and the setting of the stone I agree with Valentino and say Afghanistan and I would like to add Pakistan as well. If it's lapis, which I can't tell, they use it a lot in jewelry in that area.
Thank you! Afghanistan is the clue I needed. Can I post a link to what I found? (It is a "For Sale" site.